Languages English German French Italian Spanish Portuguese Japanese Korean Chinese Languages English German French Italian Spanish Portuguese Japanese Korean Chinese Voice commands - English In offline mode, you can only use voice commands marked with asterisks(*). Dance Let’s dance.*Show me some moves.*Hit the floor with style. Sing *Sing a song. Animal *Animal sounds.*Animal show.*Play animal. Dice *Roll a dice. Lucky fruit *Lucky fruit. Little tricks *Little tricks.*Play a trick. Festivals *Merry Christmas Food *Get ready for food. Dressing *Change look.*Take off glasses. Friends (You can also do it by placing two AIBIs back to back.)Add new friend. Deep breath Deep breath.Let’s take a deep breath.*Help me calm down. Greeting *Hello/Say hello.*Nice to meet you.*Good morning.*Good afternoon.*Good evening. /Good night. Face Recognition (Please register your face through the App first.)Look at me.Do you know me? Behavior *Be quiet. *Go to sleep. Movement *Turn left/right.*Turn around. Volume *Volume high.*Volume low.*Volume mute. Battery *Battery level.*Power off. Low energy *Low energy mode. Update Check update.Start update. Star light *Turn on/off the light.Turn on {regular} light.(Regular, rainbow, flow, breathing, red, blue, green, yellow, pink, orange, purple) Timer Set a timer for {10 seconds}. Time *What’s the time? Photo *Take a photo.*Show photos. Weather What’s the weather?What’s the weather in {city}?