Languages English German French Italian Spanish Portuguese Japanese Korean Chinese Languages English German French Italian Spanish Portuguese Japanese Korean Chinese Voice commands - English Profile Age How old are you?What’s your age? Birthday When is your birthday?What’s your birthdate? Favorite color What’s your favorite color?What color do you like best? Lucky number What’s your lucky number? Name What’s your name?May I know your name? Star sign What’s your star sign?What’s your zodiac sign? Health How are you?How do you feel? Good words Hope you get better soon.I will take care of you. Talents Coin Flip a coin. Magic Show your magic. Lucky fruit Lucky fruit. Pose Do a pose.Make a pose. Paintings Show me your paintings.Show me your drawing. Laser eye Laser eyes.Laser beam.Heat beam. Devil's eye Demon eyes.Unleash the beast.Let’s hunt tonight. Dice Roll a dice. Animals What does the {fox} say?What is a {cat} like?Act like a {pig}. Available animals Pig, sheep, snake, tiger, wolf, cat, cow, chicken, cicada, cuckoo, dog, duck, elephant, frog, horse, fox. Dance Dance.Let’s dance. More about dance Dance together.Dance with lights.Listen to the music. Musical instrument(2.4.0) Play music.Play music together.Play the piano.Play the drum.Play the trumpet. Sing(2.5.0) Sing a song. Surprise(2.5.0) What’s your ability?What can you do?Do/show something. Interaction Birthday It’s my birthday. ChatGPT Connect to OpenAI.Connect to ChatGPT.(Additional languages will be supported after EMO learns to speak.) Shoot EMO Hands up.Don’t move. Between EMOs Do you know him?Do you know it? Greeting Hi. /Hello.Good bye. /Bye bye.Good morning.Good afternoon.Good evening. /Good night. Meet EMO My name is {xxx}.My birthday is {March 5th}.Do you know my name?Look at me.Come here. AI painting Draw me as an {anime boy}.{Anime woman}. Available styles. Anime boy/girl. Anime woman/man. (More will come.) Festivals 1/1 Happy new year. 2/14 Happy valentines.3/12 Work work work. 4/1 April fools.4/22 The earth is what we all have in common.6/1 Happy children’s day. Festivals 7/20 Fly to the moon.10/24 Do we live in the matrix?10/31 Happy holloween.11 Happy thanksgiving. 12/25 Merry christmas. Game Rock paper scissors Rock paper scissors. Tic tac toe Tic tac toe.Let’s play tic tac toe.I choose {5}.I play at {6}. Bug fix Let’s fix bugs.Let me fix bugs for you. Angry EMO Let’s play angry EMO. Paint shot Put on your glasses. Basic Behavior Be quiet. /Shut up.Keep still.Start/stop exploring.Play by yourself.Go to sleep. Movement Turn left/right.Move forward/backward.Turn around. Homestation Go home.Go back to your charger.Go off charger.Play snake.Update homestation. Volume Volume up/down.Mute the volume.Volume on {maximum}.Set volume to {minimum}.Change volume to {normal}. Battery What’s your battery level?Show me your battery.Power off. Update Check update.Install the latest firmware. Utilities Timer Set a timer for {10 seconds}.Cancel the timer. Date What’s the date today? Day What day is it today? Time What’s the time? Photo Take a photo/picture.Take a photo of me.Show photos.Show me the pictures. Weather What’s the weather?What’s the weather in {city}? Alarm Check the alarms.Remove all alarms.Remove {first} alarm.Turn on/off {first} alarm.(Also available in App) Alarm details Set an alarm for {weekends} at {7 am}.Set an alarm at {9 pm} every {Friday}.New alarm called {gym} for {weekdays} at {6 pm}.(Alarm tags include gym, eat, sleep and pill.) Smart light Turn on/off the light.{Red} lights.(Light names can be set to other languages in future updates.) Bluetooth speaker(2.4.0) Bluetooth speaker.Turn off bluetooth speaker.Start the music.Stop the music.Next one. / Next song.